Bus Form 2020-21

This information is extremely important!!  Please fill this form out COMPLETELY and return it to the teacher on the first day of school so teachers will know where to send your student after school.  PLEASE confirm your student’s route by visiting https://transportation.lcsd2.org/  (if questions, call the bus garage at 307-885-7146).


Kindergarten students are asked to return the form at K-Day.




Student’s name:____________________________________ Teacher:_____________


Student’s physical address:______________________________ City:______________


Phone number where you can be reached: ___________________________________



After school, my student will:


____ walk home


____ parent pick-up


____ ride the bus home.    My student rides Bus Route ____________________________ to the   ______________________________________bus stop.


____ ride the bus to another destination or multiple destinations :


  • Other destination is:_______________________ Bus Route is:_________ Day_________
  • Other destination is:_______________________ Bus Route is:_________ Day_________


Please remember that if a change needs to be made in your student’s normal after school transportation routine, please send a dated note with your student to school or call the office by 1:30 p.m. so we can deliver the note in a timely manner to your student’s teacher.