Newsletter: December 2022

Thayne Elementary Husky Headlines

December 2022

News from last month:

We are so proud of our 2nd graders!  They presented a wonderful Thanksgiving program for their parents and the other students!  Well done, 2nd graders!

Our students presented a special program for our local veterans for Veterans Day.  We appreciate the veterans have done to serve our country! 



Literacy Corner:

Help!! What if my child doesn’t love reading? What if my child only wants me to read to him or her? 
This is actually more common than you think! 
Here are some ideas to help:

*Read aloud to your kids. You will not regret this time spent with your kids and you won’t make your child less of a reader by reading to them. 
Reading aloud to your child actually helps them because they are hearing things that are grammatically correct, listening to sophisticated language, and hearing how a good reader sounds.

*Use audiobooks. Let your child listen to an audiobook while they draw, craft, do puzzles, play with legos, etc. 

*Use graphic novels. Your child has to use multiple parts of the brain when reading graphic novels because they have to read and interpret both the text and the pictures. 
Remember that your child won’t fall in love with reading overnight. Stay consistent and it will happen over time. 
From the School Nurse…..
Reminders about safety with medications at school:
If a student requires medication during the school day, please be sure to contact the School Nurse to come up with an administration plan and complete appropriate forms.

Students who “self-carry” their medication, must have an approved medical plan AND are only allowed to carry enough medication for ONE DAY at a time. The medication must be in a labeled container with the student’s name and the medication name.
Prescription medication must be in the original prescription bottle labeled with the student’s name, medication name, dose/strength, instructions for administration and expiration date. (You can request an extra container with a label from the pharmacy for school doses.)
Over the counter medication must be in the original,sealed, container and be clearly labeled with the student’s name (be sure it’s not expiring).
Prescription medications need to be brought to school by a parent and then counted with staff upon receipt. They CANNOT be sent to school in a student’s backpack. They could be harmful if taken by the wrong student and some medications are Controlled Substances. It’s important they’re labeled, so lost medications can be returned to the appropriate school/student.
If you have further questions, or need medication forms, please visit our webpage  or call your School Nurse (885-7110).
Thank you for helping us keep your students safe while at school.

PTO News:  

Thank you for all the support with our food drive! We ended with a total of 1,305! (About $625 and 680 items of food) that’s incredible! 

Mr. Matthews’ class was the winner of the competition with a total of 323! 

Our school will be using the website 1st Place Spiritwear for school gear. Parents can order from anytime and pay online. Here is the link if you would like to take a look!

Our next TVC meeting will be a week early on December 14th because of the Christmas break. If you have any ideas or suggestions for future activities or events, please let us know or join us at our next meeting. 

For December, we are partnering with social committee to do dress up days the week before break. The plan for Holiday Spirit Week Dress Up Days is:

December 19th – Crazy Sock Day

December 20th – Red vs. Green Day 

December 21st – Christmas Sweater/ Shirt 

December 22nd – Cozy Day