Mark your Calendar:

February 17: President’s Day

February 19: TVC Meeting at 12pm

February 21: No School

February 24: Sign up opens for Spring Parent Teacher Conferences

February 28: No School

March 3-6: Literacy Week

March 7: No School

March 10-13: Scholastic Book Fair

March 14: No School

March 21: No School

March 27: 3rd Grade Concert

March 31- April 4: Spring Break

New Student Registration

All new students need to provide the following documents:
*birth certificate
*parent/guardian photo identification
*current immunization record

2024-2025 student supply list

* Kindergarten *1st grade * 2nd grade * 3rd grade

Monthly Newsletter

Stay up to date -Husky Headlines

School Lunch

Lunch=$3 Breakfast=$2


for Thayne Elementary

Infinite Campus

Student Information

Specials Calendar

Classroom Rotations